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Lawsuit filed, urgently need suggestions/advice
2/1/2011 1:04 PM (PST)
We are urgently in need of an attorney to represent us. In April of 2010 we signed a contract with Klosk Law, paying their services $1045.50/mo., to help negotiate and resolve our credit card debts. I was not made aware until last week that we were in the process of being sued by one of them. Papers were served to my husband yesterday, from the law firm handling our Citicard acount, 2 bankcards and Shell Oil. I tried to stop automatic withdrawal from our bank account, but calling so late, payment was already debited out of our account. I have contacted and received confirmation of contract cancellation, and waiving their right as power of attorney. In the meantime, time is of the essence pertaining to the lawsuit, and it was highly suggested we seek an attorney. What do you suggest as the best way to pursue this. I am open to any and all suggestions. I appreciate in advance any advice.
2/1/2011 3:14 PM (PST)
really, truly appreciate the promptness of your response....how do I contact a lawer referral service? when I posted my inquiry, I was hoping I might hear back an attorney, offering his services? representing attorneys I spoke to gave me 3 options, #1 by submitting 2 payments of $7000+@ by the end of March, the other 2 options would have a judgement against my husband....if as if you mention we'll probably lose the suits, in layman's terms, what do you mean? other than our already ruined credit, what other legal/monetary issues could "losing" mean?
6/4/2011 3:25 AM (PST)
Filing bankruptcy is an option when you aren't working and have no other means to pay back your debt. Remember, bankruptcy will stay on your report for long and your credit rating will be affected.
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