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Selling a time share
9/29/2011 5:45 AM (PST)
I was contacted by International Transfers about a time share that my mother sold some time ago. Why would this company what money to sell a property that has already been sold?????? One website states that this company is in Altantla, GA while the woman a talked to (Ms Beverly Mitchell) states that they are in Jupiter, FL. The address in FL is for a UPS Store. What's going on??????? Please advise.
9/29/2011 10:00 AM (PST)
i had that feeling. they bothered my mother for weeks and then i got involved and it seems like a different day. these people have my number so let's see if they call me. thanks.
10/11/2011 5:10 AM (PST)
There have been a number of recent timeshare scams being reported operating out of drop boxes in the state of Georgia with the most recent being a company calling itself Vacation Max, which used a drop box in Stone Mountain. (http://vacation-times.org/1/post/2011/10/possible-timeshare-scam-vacation-max.html)
These scam groups operate by purchasing black market lists of timeshare owners, who they then call with unsolicited "cold call" offers- promising that they have located a buyer at an unrealistic high price that often exceeds the developer's price for the same timeshare.
You may find that you get a number of calls now that your information is being sold..
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