Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 1/2/2011
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Review 1/2/2011

Becareful with Herrera Partners & Herrera Sindell Group. Juan and Michael Herrera

Juan Herrera is the president or owner of both companies. THE HERRERA SINDELL GROUP is being investigated by the FBI, now they are opening a new Company called HERRERA PARTNERS.

After I have been with The Herrera sindell group for more than four month and I already lost a house with them which was on their program; they have contacted me and sent me to a different location so they can help me but now it was not Herrera Sindell anymore now it was Herrera Partners, it was confusing and I called the bank and I found out that they never put an offer on my house like they were suppose to do. Now they are saying that because is a new company I need a new Real Estate, so basically I just lost 4 months with them?

They forced me to file a BK with Pacific Coast, and they are passing the ball one to each other.

The bottom line, I have a friend which house was in the company as well and he told me that more o less the same thing was happening to him.

I went to ask for my money back and they refused to give to me, so as most of their clients in the waiting room.

In their offices was everything so disorganized and empty. It looks that they are moving. When I saw that and I my experience with other companies that have just disappeared I panicked and I want my money back. My last option is to sue the Company.

Do not sign up with any of these companies

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